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Performer: Rebecca St. James
Words and music: Rebecca St. James, Tedd T. & Otto Price

Syair : tidak diketahui.
Lagu rakyat.

I'm feeling like the eagle that rises
Flies above the earth and it's troubles
Oh yes it knows that there are valleys below
But under his wings there's a stronger power

Oh Father-You are my strength
On you I wait upon

You make the road rise up to meet me
You make the sunshine warm upon my face
The wind is at my back & the rain falls soft
God I lift you high-You are my Abba

Running in this race to the finish line
The only road for me is the narrow
Not gonna stop or even look to the side
When I fix my eyes upon You Jesus

Oh Father (Abba)-You are my strength
Now more than ever


When you've run too far-and the road is long
Can't walk another mile-He is waiting
Hope in Him again-He'll renew you
Then you will rise, 

gather up your wings and fly...

BRIDGE: Chorus Chords


Abba, kupanggil Engkau ya Bapa.
Nama terindah didalam hidupku.
lebih dari segalanya.

Abba, kupanggil Engkau ya Bapa
Kau layakkan aku jadi anakMu.
memanggilMu Yesus.

Lebih tinggi dari langit
begitulan kasih Bapa.
Lebih dalam dari lautan.
Engkau mengasihiku
Lebih luas dari bumi. 
Tak terjangkau pikiranku.
Semuanya Kau sediakan bagiku.
Yesus kucinta Engkau.



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Update terakhir: May 31, 2001