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Words: Fanny Crosby dengan nama samaran Ida Scott Taylor. Musik J. Howard Entwisle
Alih bahasa : Aris Tentram Sidhodjoyo
Edwin Charis
Blessed Bible
Bes = 1; 9/8
.______. .___ .___. .____._ .__
____ 3 . 4 3 . . 3 . 2 | 3 . 2
2 . . 5 . . | ~-----~ Bless-èd
Bib---------le, Book of Gold,
~~~~ Ki tab Su
ci, Fir man Al lah,
_______ ___ ____ _____ ___ ___ 5 6 3
4 . . 4 . 4 | 4 5 2 3 . . 3 . . |
~-----~ ~-----~ Pre--cious truths thy
pa---ges hold
Yang mengandung ke be nar an se ja ti
~~ __.____. .___ .___.__. .___. .__ .___ 5 1 2
3 . . 3 #2 3 | 5 . 4 4 . . 3 . . |
~-----~ Truths to lead
me day by day
Yang me nun tun ku se ti
ap ha ri
~~~~~ ~~~
~~~ .__.__. .___ _.___ _____ .___ .___ 3 2 1 2 . . b2 . 6 | 7
. 5 1 . . 1 . . |
~-----~ All a---long my pil---grim way. ~~ ~~~ Sepanjang
pe ngem ba ra an ku
Refr.: .______. .___ ._____ .____. .___ 3 . 3
4 . . 4 . 6 | 1 . 2 3 . . |
~-------~ Bless-èd Bi-----------ble, pure and true, Fir man
Al lah nan ku dus
.__.____. .___ .___. .____. .___ .___ 3 4 3
2 . . 2 . 2 | 3 . 2 2 . . 2 . . |
~------~ ~------~ Guide me
all my jour-ney through;
Tuntun ku s'pan jang ja
lan ku
~~~~~ .______. .___ ._____. .________ ____ ___ 5 .
4 3 . . 3 . 1 | 1 5 b7 6 . . 6 . . |
~------~ Heav’n-ly light with-in me shine,
Cah ya sur ga wi,
te rang i da ku
~~ ._____. ___ _____. ._____. .___ .___
2 . 1 7 . . 7 . 4 | 3 . 2
1 . . 1 . . || ~------~
~------~ Help me make thy pre-cepts mine!
Biar ku pa ham ke hen
dak Mu.
Blessèd Bible, Book of Gold, (Alkitab yang diberkati, buku dari emas ) Precious truths thy pages hold (kebenaran
indah dari halamanmu kupegang ). Truths to lead me day by day kebenaran membimbingku hari demi hari . All along my pilgrim way. Sepanjang perjalanan musafirku . .
Bible, pure and true, (alkitab , murni dan benar ) Guide me all my journey through; (membimbing semua perajalananku ) Heav’nly light within me shine, (sinar surgawi dalam ku
bersinar ) Help me make thy precepts mine! menolongkuku membuat petunjuk ku. 2 Lamp of faith, my feet to lead, (P'lita bagi kakiku
) Bread of heav’n, my
soul to feed; (Manna bagi jiwaku
) Living waters pure and free, (Air kehidupanku
) Book of books thou art to me (Kau s'galanya bagiku
. .)
Refrain 3. Word
of God, thy love impart, (Firman, lambang kasih Mu,
Fire my zeal, and cleanse my heart; (Kobarkan semangatku,
) Keep me earnest, keep me true, (Setia pada jalanMu,
Ev’ry day my strength renew. (Tiap hari s'makin kuat
