Pada waktu itu orang akan melihat Anak Manusia datang dalam awan-awan
dengan segala kekuasaan dan kemuliaan-Nya. Dan pada waktu itupun Ia akan menyuruh keluar malaikat-malaikat-Nya dan akan
mengumpulkan orang-orang pilihan-Nya dari keempat penjuru bumi, dari ujung bumi sampai ke ujung langit.
Markus 13 : 26-27.
Marianne Hearn, Musik: “Dunstan,” Joseph Barnby, 1893
1, demikianlah ku milik Mu, Tuhan sobat kekasihku.
Ku berjanji srahkan diri , ya Yesus kudatang.
2, Kehidupan masa muda , kesempatan untuk kerja.
Kuberserah seg'nap jiwa. ya, Yesus kudatang.
3. Masa muda pnuh tenanga, wajiblah kuslalu setia.
Berjuanglah bagi injil , ya, yesus kudatang.
Just as I am, Thine own to be, Friend of the young, Who lovest me, To
consecrate myself to Thee, O Jesus Christ, I come.
In the glad morning of my day, My life to give, my vows to pay, With no reserve and no delay, With all my heart I come.
would live ever in the light, I would work ever for the right; I would serve Thee with all my might; Therefore, to Thee I come.
Just as I am, young, strong, and free, To be the
best that I can be For truth, and righteousness, and Thee, Lord of my life, I come.
With many dreams of fame and gold, Success and joy to make me bold, But dearer still my faith
to hold, For my whole life, I come.
And for Thy sake to win renown, And then to take the victor’s crown, And at Thy feet to cast it down, O Master, Lord, I come.