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Still Sweeter Every Day

by W. C. Martin

1. To Jesus every day I find my heart is closer drawn
He's fairer than the glory of the gold and purple dawn;
He's all my fancy pictures in its fairest dreams, and more
Each day He grows still sweeter than He was the day before. 

The half cannot be fancied this side the golden shore,
Oh, there He'll be still sweeter than He ever was before. 

2. His glory broke upon me when I saw Him from afar;
He's fairer than the lily, brighter than the morning star;
He fills and satisfies my longing spirit o'er and o'er;
Each day He grows still sweeter than He was the day before.

3. My heart is sometimes heavy, but He comes with sweet relief;
He folds me to His bosom when I droop with blighting grief;
I love the Christ who all my burdens in His body bore;
Each day He grows still sweeter than He was the day before.
1 .  Se-tiap  hari hatiku  lebih dekat pada Yesus 
Ia lebih elok  dari  emas dan  apapun.
Ia jauh melebihi gambar dan  yang aku bayangkan. 
Tiap hari ia lebih manis dari sebelumnya.
Ia tak da-pat di- ba-yang-kan de-ngan a-pa- pun.
Se-bab  Ia jauh me-le-b-ihi yang per-nah a-ku-tahu.
2. Ke-mu-lia-an-nya jauh lebih nampak didekat .
Jauh le-bih in-dah da-ri ba-kung dan  a-lam se-mes-ta  .
Ia me-ngi-si dan me-muas-kan ji-wa-ku se-la-ma-nya.
Tiap ha-ri ku-me-ra-sa Ia le-bih in-dah la-gi.
3. Wak-tu ku se-dih dan ber-be-ban di-hi-bur-nya.
Ia tak  mem-biar-kan a-ku jat-uh, dipegangnya erat.
Ku me-ngasihi Kris-tus yang me-nang-gung be-ban-ku.
Tiap hari kumerasa ia lebih indah lagi



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Update terakhir: May 31, 2001